Picking the right style for a web site is mostly a hard job. You will have to search theme websites and look through tons of matching styles to discover the one you like the best. We’ve made an effort to find a solution for you by bringing in a selection of cost free layout templates to our Site Control Panel, which are accessible with each of our cloud hosting plans. It includes more than 800 exceptional site themes available. Most of them are made for our hosting services solely and are not accessible elsewhere. Every single theme comes with intelligent installation and could be custom–made to your liking.

So, with us you can obtain a new, unique as well as totally easy to customize website in just a few mouse clicks.

800+ Cost Free Layout Templates

Entirely customizable. Auto Setting up

Within our Control Panel you can find a selection of 800+ cost free layout templates. All of them are manufactured for any person who truly wants to speedily start a completely new web site employing a customized template, with no need to dedicate a lot of time browsing a pile of template galleries on the internet.

Ming-Ying.Com’s web templates are based on the most popular sorts of websites – blogs, portfolio pages, message boards, websites of non–profit agencies, e–stores, business web sites, etc.

Free Website Themes

Cost Free Web app Layout Templates

Grab cost free layout templates for your upcoming app

We have produced numerous tools (Ming-Ying.Com’s Web Site Installer Application, Ming-Ying.Com’s Web Apps and also Ming-Ying.Com’s Free Website Building Tool), readily available for free within the Ming-Ying.Com Control Panel, which can help you install a new application just like Joomla or Wordpress in seconds. Over the set up, you are able to choose a custom made theme which will be placed on your brand new web site from the beginning.

We have cost free layout templates for these web apps: Wordpress, Joomla, Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery).

Free App Themes

Cost Free Site Builder Layout Templates

100+ thoroughly customizable cost free layout templates

In the Ming-Ying.Com Control Panel, you will get access to the Free Website Building Tool tool, which features over 100 extraordinary web site templates. Every one template boasts two distinct designs and many color choices. You are free to change these themes the way you would like.

There’ no requirement to have any knowledge in HTML or CSS to change the templates within our Website Installer. All the work is conducted with the included editor, that is pretty simple to implement.

Free Site Builder Themes