• Domain Names

  • .ACADEMY - $33.49/year
  • .BARGAINS - $30.99/year
  • .CAFE - $36.49/year
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Linux Shared Hosting with a 30-Day Free Trial

If you’re tired of continuing outages and the tragic tech support service of your present web hosting vendor, we are here to provide you with an alternative. With the risk–free cloud web hosting services provided by Ming-Ying.Com, you can finally stop worrying about the web hosting service and concentrate on what’s actually important – your website.

We’ll offer you a stable shared hosting platform with a 99.9% uptime guarantee. In addition, all our cloud web hosting plans offer more than enough hard disk storage space, bandwidth and MySQL database space allocations. You’ll be offered access to an exceptional Site Control Panel, which offers all the tools you will need to convert website management from a headache to something simple and enjoyable. You’ll get plenty of charge–free bonus features, which will help you make your web site work better and open faster.

Linux Shared Hosting with a 30-Day Free Trial

Exclusive Domain Registration Prices

If you’re seeking a shared hosting experience of the best possible quality, you should definitely take advantage of our shared hosting services. As a bonus, you will get affordable domain registration option with each shared hosting account you buy. If your current domain name is registered with another provider – then transfer it to us and you’ll get a whole year added to its expiry date.

If getting the cheapest price on a given product is important to you – then you’ll be glad to find out that the agreements we have with some of the leading domain name registries allow us to offer you the lowest possible domain registration prices. This way, you will be able to choose from among 50+ generic and country–code domain name extensions, knowing that you’re getting the best bargain on the web hosting market.

Exclusive Domain Registration Prices

A user–friendly Site Control Panel

Even if you’ve got the brightest idea for a web site, if you don’t possess the required tools, it will remain unaccomplished. The purpose of our Site Control Panel is to offer you all the tools you require to swiftly transform the idea in your head into a completely functional and regularly visited site.

You’ll have the ability to safely upload files by simply dragging them into your browser thanks to our File Manager. You’ll have a safety layer added to your site momentarily with ModSecurity. You’ll be able to increase the loading speed of your site thanks to our Web Accelerator Tools.

Installing a new software app online will be as easy as A, B, C thanks to our Web Apps tool. Jumpstarting a web site will take just a few easy steps using the Web Site Installer Application. Also, you can make use of 800+ cost free layout templates, which you can quickly install on your new website. This is just a portion of the site installation and management tools available in the Site Control Panel..

A user–friendly Site Control Panel

Numerous free–of–cost bonus features

Each of the cloud web hosting packages that we are offering comes with an extensive selection of free–of–cost bonuses built directly into our Site Control Panel. Among these are: a Web Apps tool, which permits you to install over forty widely used applications with zero configuration needed; an Web Site Installer Application, which allows you to set up a new site with a custom website theme in only three easy steps; a Sitemap Generator, which permits you to create a sitemap for every site you have with Ming-Ying.Com in an instant; an .htaccess Generator, which allows you to quickly create an .htaccess file, and a lot more.

You can also take advantage of a free domain registration or transfer with all our cloud web hosting plans.

Numerous free–of–cost bonus features

Choose your data center

Having your site hosted nearer to your target viewers will not only improve their browsing experience, but will also list you higher in local search results. That is the reason why we offer data center facilities on 3 different continents where you can host your web sites depending on your visitors’ whereabouts. You can pick between a USA Located Shared Hosting service in our Chicago–based data center facility, a United Kingdom Located Shared Hosting service in our data center outside Coventry, an Eash European shared hosting service in our datacenter in Finland in Pori, Finland, datacenter in East Europe in Sofia, Bulgaria, and an Australia Located Shared Hosting service in our data center in Sydney.

No matter which data center you select, the prices and the features of our web hosting packages will remain the same. Plus, each data center facility allows you to enjoy a 99.9% uptime guarantee with all cloud hosting plans.

A risk–free hosting service

To top it all, our web hosting service is 100 percent risk–free. We offer you a 99.9% server uptime guarantee, which goes to say that your websites will be available online no matter what happens with our hosting servers. And if you’ve got any questions, our technical support staff is available 24x7 and the guaranteed technical support ticket response time is less than 1 hour. In case you’re not pleased with our cloud web hosting service for whatever reason, you will get your money back. We offer a 30–day money–back guarantee.

A risk–free hosting service
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  • Linux Shared Hosting

  • Find out more about our riskless cloud web hosting packages. See how they can help you improve your website.

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  • Web Apps

  • You can now install web applications like Joomla and WordPress with one single click of the mouse thanks to our free App Installer. Learn more about it.

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  • SSL Certificates

  • Incredible prices for SSL certificates with Ming-Ying.Com. You can have your certificates installed automatically as soon as they have been issued.